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City of Prescott

201 S. Cortez Street, Prescott, AZ, 86303, US

Pollution Reporting Form

Use this form to report pollution you observe in our neighborhoods, streets, storm drains, creeks, parks or trails.

Pollution may include (but is not limited to): litter, pet waste, construction related dirt or debris, paint, and sewage.


If Hazardous Materials are observed contact the Prescott Fire Department at (928) 445-5357 or 911 in an emergency.


To report Sewage or Sewer related spills contact the Wastewater Collection staff immediately, please call:

• Monday-Friday 7:00am – 3:30pm: (928) 777-1630
• Weekends & afterhours: (928) 777-1626

Date of observation

Date Picker

Pictures are invaluable, upload yours here.

Click Here to Upload

Where is the pollution? Include nearest cross streets or landmarks if the address is unknown.

Your name (optional)